
你终于来了,Colorful 就是我,一个服务端工程师,技术栈偏重 Python 。目前在林间有风开源团队负责开源产品的研发。


吾有两痴 —— 痴迷技术,同时也是个篮球痴汉,梦想着有一天能够成为一名优秀的 slam dunk



  • Lin CMS: 是一个前后端分离的 CMS 解决方案
  • Lin UI: 基于微信小程序原生语法 实现的组件库

About me

Hei my bro! You finaly came in, This is Colorful, whom a server engineer. Emphasis on python technology stack. Currently in an open source team called TaleLin is responsible for the development of open source products.

I am happy to express my thoughts and share my experiences and feelings. Thank you very much for coming here to listen to what I have to share.

I have two hobbies, One is computer technology, the other is basketball.

And more, I am passionate about charity, and I sincerely hope that everyone in my life will truly believe that achieving others is to achieve myself.

二零二四年 一月 拍摄于 三亚湾